
Homer High School Announcements



No blankets are to be carried around campus – at any time.   If we see a blanket, we will take it up.

Another reminder that ALL students are to go to the cafeteria during lunch.  You are to get a tray, place your number, then either sit and eat or dispose and return to main campus.   I would hate to have to end up going to lunch as you did in junior high – walking with your teacher at specific times to ensure you make it there and back.

We also have a game here this Friday night against Union.   JV Game time 5 PM.  $6 entry.    No outside food or drinks are allowed into the gym.

If and when we allow you into the auditorium because of weather, you are to find a seat and sit down.   No one should be up blocking the walkways or sitting on the backs of chairs.  Throw your trash away in the cans in the hallway.   There were chip bags and drink bottles all over the floor this morning.   We can stand outside under the sheds if we need to in order to keep the auditorium clean.

We will begin EOC retesting this week through next week.  As soon as Mrs. Hollis and Mr. Beard make a schedule, we will let you know when each retest will be taking place.   Remember, seniors, after this, you only have one more chance to pass you required EOCs for graduation.    The last opportunity will be in April, and if you do NOT pass testing requirements, you will not walk at graduation.

We have about 2 ½ weeks of actual instructional time for all classes between  now and midterms.   Midterms will be given December 14, 15, and 18.   Make up will be on December 19, which will be ½ day.  I will be posting that schedule as we get closer and days/times are finalized.

We are trying to contact all parents regarding failing grades.  However, if we do not have up to date contact information, then it is going to be hard to do so.  Students, please have parents update their contact information whenever necessary.